Friday, July 10, 2009

traveling in between farms

Hello world. I am currently in Riobamba.
While we were in Yunguilla we spent one weekend there getting to know the community. There was a program put on to celebrate a new part of the school, so the kids put on two plays and three dances. One play was Cinderella. Then there was a dance. It started with live music by Gonzalo and another man (Gonzalo is the man we work with at the farm) Lots of older couples danced. After that there was music from an ipod, the hip music and the old people left and the young people danced. We had a great time.
We became friends with the four other WWOOFers with whom we shared living space and work. They plan to visit us in Baños while we are there and we will take a weekend trip to Puyo, at the end of the jungle. That is planned for next weekend. We also became good friends with another worker from Colombia named Pedro. We are both sad to leave him. It is good we didn´t stay longer or we would have become more attached and it would be more difficult to leave. I really want to go back to Yunguilla someday. It is just beautiful, and I love the lifestyle. I feel it is my speed.

Al and I left our first farm in Yunguilla on Wednesday and went to San Antonio for a day. We went to La Mitad Del Mundo, where the equator was measured for sure. We saw lots of cool bugs at the insectarium and saw a show at the planetarium. San Antonio is kinda sketch and gross so we left there to come to Riobamba via Quito. To get anywhere it seems you have to go to Quito first. We had to go south to Quito to get north to Otavalo, and then stop in Quito to get a bus to Riobamba also. We were planning on going on La Nariz Del Diablo train ride today but it was sold out so we are trying for Sunday. Then we will go to our next farm near Baños. While in Riobamba we are taking it easy and relaxing. We are both excited about the train ride though, supposed to be scary. I believe we get to ride on the roof. sweet.
Our hostel here is kinda gross, but it is cheap, so that is ok. I will never take for granted toilet seats or toilet paper ever again.

Al is trying to post some pictures on the facebook today or tomorrow, so look for those. You should be able to see them if you are my facebook friend.

So you know the "mud flad girl" image, silhoutte of a woman? Well those are here to but the women are more vuluptous. I love it! haha. Women here are really sexualized to sell things though. Everywhere you look you can see a scantily clad woman offering you a beer, or an ice cream, or phone service, or anything. Way more than in the states, and a lot less clothes. So that really sucks.

I am feeling better about traveling now, we are getting the hang of things better. I can´t wait for Baños. We have good weekend plans and also want to explore some closer attractions after work during the week sometimes. There is a natural reserve I really want to check out, and so many amazing waterfalls. I am very excited. While I of course miss home, I am really enjoying myself here too.

love to yáll. (which reminds me, I can´t wait to hear those southern mountain accents, oh sweetness)

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