Friday, June 19, 2009


we are definitely not in boone baby.
Yesterday was our first full day in Ecuador, and in Quito. What a day. We are staying at a cute hostel with an awesome roof terrace. We are staying in a room with four beds. there is a communal bath and kitchen. We are enjoying the stay, though of course a private room may be better.

So we want to explore the city right?! Well we saw the Simon Bolivar memorial and a beautiful cathedral. We walked around the Old City. and got robbed. great. on the first day. Al´s bag was snatched, but luckily some police saw what was happening. They captured an accomplice but not the man with her bag. After three hours and a lot of emotions, Al´s bag was returned to us. She got everything back except some cash, her memory cards for her camera, a sheet we printed out with ´gay Quito´information, and Jaden´s contact information. I understand the first two, but the second two are kinda strange. So, sorry about that Jaden. Obviously it was a harsh awakening to the fact that we are in a huge city and we are not city savvy. We are learning more every day though. I am so amazed that we got Al´s bag back. It was because the police held the accomplice captive until the other man finally agreed to meet an officer somewhere unknown to us and return Al´s belongings. This was on the condition that we didn´t press charges, fine by us. The police here seem to be more effective because they negotiate.

Today we went to the TeleferiQo. It is like a sky tram thing that goes way up the mountainside behind Quito. We got to see an aerial view of Quito and the surrounding mountains. It was incredible. Quito is so huge. It goes on for miles. The elevation up there was really high and we had to move slowly. It was also pretty cold. I fear we may have neglected to pack warm enough clothing. We will be able to get some here though if need be.

We have had some amazing food. We had ensalada de fruta y crema (fruit and crema salad) for breakfast. And some amazing vegetarian dishes for lunch in La Mariscal Sucre. We also tried a house specialty drink last night that was not so successful. We felt bad to leave it mostly full when we left, but at least we tried. It was a warm beverage that tasted like it was pretty much only eggs. ugh. We couldn´t manage it. but the juice is amazing

We had planned on leaving this morning for the farm, but they are finishing some restoration on the farmhouse so we are going to go to the farm on Monday. I wish it was sooner, but we will have a good time here.

I just prefer the country to the city. My eyes have been bothering me, especially in the evenings. I think it is due to the pollution. Also probably the sun at this elevation.

Oh, funny thing. At the restaurant where we had breakfast this morning I went to use the bathroom. I was waiting for the woman to exit the stall and as she did she looked at me and told me where the men´s restroom was. I just kinda looked at her and said ok, and proceeded to enter the stall anyway. She kinda whispered ´´oh´´ to herself and went on. I found it funny. Al noticed that I have been getting a lot of strange looks because of my pants, because I wear men´s jeans. There are a lot of tight pants here for women. On top of the mountain today we saw a woman in stilletos! it was ridiculous. There were also some really hungry dogs up there and we wonder how they got up there. hmm. poor things.

I am going to try to post some pictures later today or tomorrow. hopefully that will work. my camera is not very good quality, but luckily Al´s is. though now she has a smaller SD card since she had to buy a new one to replace the really nice ones she had.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the posts. So great to follow your travels this way. I'm amazed you got Al's things back. Says something to me about the improved law enforcement in s. america. Either that or lucky the police saw some of it happening. When I heard you were robbed, I thought for sure that stuff was gone for good.
